
Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Inentions!

The New Year is here and the Angels are lovingly guiding me to set my intentions for 2011. Many people set goals and resolutions when the New Year comes around, but the Angels tell me that setting intentions is a much more powerful and deliberate way to improve your life.
Usually, when we make a resolution it is similar to setting a goal with a deadline. We force the execution of our goal or resolution from a place of punishment, fear or anger. We think we must compromise a part of ourselves to “become better.”
An intention has a much different vibration ~ an intention comes from the subtle power within your spirit, and it leads to huge results over time. Think of a ship and its compass. A ship travelling due south will end up in a totally different location if it's course is changed just one degree. In the same way, you can create a simple intention for yourself this year and land in a totally different life in the months ahead.
I asked the angels: “what are intentions?” They describe intentions as thoughts that translate into a feeling in your heart about an outcome that you want to create in your life. The angels show me a beautiful heart opening with musical notes and beautiful streams of colors pouring out of it. They tell me that the feeling associated with your thoughts or ideas is the way that you know you are creating an intention. You feel excitement, powerful, love and support from the universe. You analyze your actions in terms of whether or not they are in alignment with your intentions, and you don’t punish yourself if you fall of the wagon so to speak.
Common examples of things that people intend to create in the New Year are: a loving relationship, a new job, a more healthy body and more money. These are all wonderful things to create to experience love and joy in your life to the greatest potential, because ultimately that's what we were are born to do!
Steps to create your New Years Intentions:
  1. Quiet Your Mind ~ through your favorite meditation or with the Angel 5-5-5 Deep Breath Meditation (5 deep breaths: 5 seconds for each inhale through your nose, 5 seconds for each exhale through your nose...posted elsewhere in this blog on 12/1/10).
  2. Specify What You Want & Write It Down ~ Think specifically about what you want. Write it down. General feelings such as “I want to be happy” are not informative enough to the universe to produce results. Get specific about what it is you want, and it can be a broad intention or a narrow intention… “I want a loving relationship with my soulmate.” “I want a job where I feel appreciated and well-compensated.” “I want a wonderful and open relationship with my children.” These are specific outcomes that you want to create and even though they seem broad, they give you and the universe a direction in which to create. You can even be more specific and intend something like your dream car that you have always wanted. Once you have decided what each intention is, write it down. 
  3.  Intend What You Want With Your Feelings ~ For each specific item that you wrote down, think about what it means to you and why you want it…picture your heart opening up and filling up with love and joy when you experience what it is that you want. For example, if you want a new car you can close your eyes, picture your heart center opening and picture a river of love and rushing joyfully out of your heart, and to your car and back into your heart. Think about what type of car you want, how fun it will be to have it, where you will drive, what it will feel like driving, where you will go, etc. Really get into the feeling of it, and why you want it...and don’t worry about the limitations you have at this moment that you might think are there preventing you from getting what you want. Just dive into the feelings. Writing your feelings down may also be a helpful way to complete this step.
  4. Listen For Guidance, Trust & Allow ~ Listen for guidance, not only at the time that you are first completing the process, but from here on out.  Listen to your intuition, your angels and your guides for messages on what physical steps you can take to create your intentions.  You have to learn to trust your guidance an intuition, and then allow things to happen. At the very least, you can keep your intentions in mind throughout the day and ask yourself whether what you’re doing is in alignment or support of your intention.
  5. Let Your Worries Go ~ Don't worry that you cant have something you want due to lack of money or anything else, or that you dont deserve it. Let go of any judgments you may have about yourself if you want material objects. You are here to experience all of the wonders of this world, including love, relationships, a healthy body and material objects.  Your worries can get in your way, so if you need help letting them go, do a process such as the Angel Response Technique ~  Changing Negative Thought Patterns (posted elsewhere in this blog on 8/8/10). Kundalini Yoga and Healing Breathwork Sessions are also helpful in releasing fear, judgments and doubts that are blocking you from creating your intentions. If you really intend to create something out of love and joy, the angels will do everything they can to help you create it!
You can do this process as much as you like, for whatever it is that you want to create. At first it might feel like you are making things up. It’s ok and actually natural to feel that way…just let any doubts slip out of your mind and keep on playing with the Inention process. At the very least, you will enjoy the New Year's Intention process more than trying to force yourself to stick to a New Year's resolution.  

 Remember…if the universe gave you the desire to have, do or be something, it must support you…so let it! Take the steps you are guided to take, trust that things will come to you, and get out of your own way.

For more information , to attend a workshop or to schedule a private session, please visit

Important Notice:

Nina's intention is to assist  people who feel guided to work with her and to empower her clients to strengthen their own intuitive powers and abilities to connect to their angels and guides.

Nina Jasmine is NOT a medical doctor or medical practitioner of any kind. While angelic healing may be helpful to many people in various ways, it is NOT a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment!!! Nina does not want to pass herself off as a doctor of any kind and is NOT licensed by any medical board anywhere in the world.

Monday, December 27, 2010

"I dont teach my students, I create the conditions in which they can learn" ~ Albert Einstein

When I came across this inspiring quote today, I thought I'd write a little bit more about myself and my teaching style.

I'm always surprised when I receive a compliment on my teaching style, because I don't feel like I am doing the teaching. Instead I feel like I am channelling the teachings that my students need to receive on each particular day. Incidentally, that's the joy of working with the Angels and the Kundalini teachings...I can always rest assured that I will be divinely guided to "teach" what is in the highest good of all at that time and space. 

Regardless of whether I'm teaching a yoga class or an angel workshop, my teaching style is integrative of all of different types of educational and spiritual training I have studied throughout the years, and it is designed to heal and empower people. I even view my private angel therapy sessions as healing and teaching sessions where my clients are empowered to heal themselves and learn how to strengthen their connection to their angels.

For these reasons, I never try to pressure people to take my classes, workshops or schedule private sessions with me...although I must say that a person's curiosity about a workshop or private session is often an indication that their angels and guides are encouraging them to find ways to receive their angelic guidance and messages. 

I believe that when an individual is truly ready to connect to their angels and guides, they will be lead to the way that is best for them, and I am always honored when they (and their angels) choose me to help facilitate the process!

Sat Nam

Important Notice:

Nina's intention is to assist  people who feel guided to work with her and to empower her clients to strengthen their own intuitive powers and abilities to connect to their angels and guides.

Nina Jasmine is NOT a medical doctor or medical practitioner of any kind. While angelic healing may be helpful to many people in various ways, it is NOT a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment!!! Nina does not want to pass herself off as a doctor of any kind and is NOT licensed by any medical board anywhere in the world.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How To Invoke Your Romance Angels

The Romance Angels were first introduced to me through my friend Milan. She told me that she met hers while on an angel retreat with Doreen Virtue in Hawaii. At the time, I was experiencing a hard time with my partner, and even though I obviously work with angels, I was skeptical that the romance angels could do anything to mend the situation with my partner. After all, we are both extremely stubborn! Reluctantly, I agreed to work with my Romance Angels, on a discretionary basis of course. I spent some time learning about them and what they do, and I went about my day and didn’t think anything of it. Later that day, my partner called me and told me that he was sorry for being so stubborn, that he loved me and was coming home early from a business trip to spend special time with me! I was surprised, but it was proof to me that my Romance Angels are really here to help me, even when I am reluctant to ask for their help. Needless to say, I have kept my Romance Angels close by ever since.
The Romance Angels are a group of loving angels who help with your love life. Everyone has their own group of Romance Angels, so you don’t have to worry that the Romance Angels will not be able to help you. Their sole mission in life is to help you experience love in all areas of your life, especially with romantic partners. All you have to do is invoke their assistance and they will come to help you, always.
Steps to Invoke Your Romance Angels:
1.      Say aloud or in your mind “Romance Angels please come to me now…help me feel your loving presence.”
2.      Close your eyes and take a deep breath, and hold it…
3.      As you release your breath, allow yourself to feel your Romance Angels next to you, over one or both of your shoulders.
4. Ask for guidance and healing as explained below:
Once you have invoked their presence, which really means that you have accepted their help, you can ask them to stay with you always and to give you guidance, anywhere and at any time that would be helpful to you.
You can have mental conversations with your Romance Angels about your love life, and ask them what steps you can take in your life that would help increase the love and romance in your life.

Alternatively, you can write down your current romantic situation and ask your Romance Angels for signs, guidance and healing.
Remember, the Romance Angels love you and want you to be happy. When you are happy in love, you are happy in life and everything in your life seems to flow easier and better. They may guide you to take steps in other areas of your life to increase your self-love and self-respect, which ultimately impact your love life. Receive the Romance Angels gentile messages and trust that they are here to help you. 

This article is a part of a "Meet Your Romance Angels" workshop given in Los Angeles, CA at Golden Bridge Yoga. Of course, I must give thanks to Doreen Virtue for all of the angel work that I do, as it is inspired by her books, CD's and training program. 

For more info, or to contact Nina for a private Angel Therapy Session to connect to your angels, visit her website: 

Important Notice: 

Nina's intention is to assist  people who feel guided to work with her and to empower her clients to strengthen their own intuitive powers and abilities to connect to their angels and guides.

Nina Jasmine is NOT a medical doctor or medical practitioner of any kind. While angelic healing may be helpful to many people in various ways, it is NOT a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment!!! Nina does not want to pass herself off as a doctor of any kind and is NOT licensed by any medical board anywhere in the world.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The KISS Method

When I was in law school, I clerked for a NY Supreme Court Judge. I was lucky enough to work for a judge who allowed me to write the bulk of the decisions that were published in law journals. Not only did I learn to become a better lawyer, but I also learned one of the most important resources that I still use to this day ~ The Kiss Method.

The first week of my clerkship, I wrote a long, complex and what I thought was brilliant decision. The judge's assistant looked down at the novel I had just handed him, looked up at me and took his glasses off. With his thick New York accent he proceeded to say:  "Honey, let me tell you something...around here, we do everything with the KISS method: Keep It Simple, Sweetheart." He handed my "masterpiece" back to me without reading it and told me to give him something useful, something that anyone could understand. At first I was shocked, but I quickly realized the value in simplicity. I learned that the most effective things in life often tend to be the most simple, whether they are in the form of a legal decision or guidance from the Angels.

As I have mentioned before, I utilize all of my educational and spiritual training to help elevate my classes and private sessions. The KISS Method is no exception, and the Angels remind me to use it whenever it is beneficial. In fact, the Angels love the KISS method because it is a straightforward and effective way to manifest things in the physical world. This is surprising to most, as many people think that you have to "try hard" to get what you want...but that just isn't so!

In fact, when people come to workshops or for private sessions, they are surprised when the Angels reiterate simple messages that they have been receiving for quite some time, and the messages may come through myself, another teacher, or a classmate.  They may even get disappointed because they wanted to hear something more fancy or complicated. This type of disappointment usually means that they have a subconscious block that is preventing them from taking action and moving forward. Without judgment, I lovingly remind them that simple guidance works just as well as complex guidance, if not better because its easier to remember!

The next time you ask for guidance, don't be surprised if its simple and easy to follow. In fact, the simple messages that are repetitive are usually the most important for you to act upon. Be grateful that you are receiving messages and take guided will be surprised to get remarkable results!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Angel 5-5-5 Breathwork Meditation

Earlier this year, I had a traumatic experience and literally did not know what to do with myself. I was home alone and crying and hyperventilating. I kept asking the Angels "What should I do? What should I do?"  It took a while, but eventually I heard "Breathe." So I started to take some deep breaths in a specific way as guided by the Angels. The Angels guided me to do what I now describe as the Angel 5-5-5 Breathwork Meditation.

After I completed this meditation and was able to hear the Angels clearly once again, I understood the power of this simple meditation. I realized that the times that I needed the Angels' guidance the most (when I felt anxious and stressed) were often the times that it was most difficult for me to receive it. Intuitively I knew that they were around when I needed them, I also knew that something was going on that prevented me from receiving their help.

The Angels informed me that when we are in times of extreme stress, sadness, anxiousness, grief or fear,  we are too caught up in those emotions to listen to, see, or feel guidance. They confirmed that they are always there for us, we just don't always notice.  The Angel 555 Breathwork Meditation helps to calm down and remove the fog that is created by intense emotions so that we can hear the Angels' guidance and receive their loving assistance in times of need.

Angel 5-5-5 Breathwork Meditation

This simple and effective method is completed in under one minute, but produces great results.

1. Sit or lie down so that your spine is straight
2. Inhale through your nose deeply, for 5 seconds/counts
3. Exhale through your nose deeply, for 5 seconds/counts
4. Repeat until you have inhaled and exhaled 5 times.

Breathwork calms us down, clears our chakras and gets us out of the intense emotional state to a place where we remember that the Angels are always here to help us for all matters, big and small.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Getting What You Want – Angel Response Technique

Often times we call upon the angels to help us get what we want in our lives. It can be something instantaneous like a traffic-free highway to something in our near future like our soul mate.

The fastest way to get what we want is to think of the lowest common denominator of what we are asking for…in other words, ask for the result that we want to achieve instead of trying to control how we are going to get it.

The angels explained this technique to me as I was driving. I was driving home from yoga and it was a beautiful LA day…the sun was shining and I decided to put the windows down and open the sun roof. As I was driving, an older car ahead of me in the next lane had an unpleasant smoggy fume coming out of the exhaust. Angrily, I asked for the angels to make the car slow down so I can drive past it and enjoy my day. The angels loving replied, what is it that you really want? I just wanted those fumes to go away and the only way I could think that could happen is if I avoided that car. However, the angels said “ask us for the end result and let us work it out.” I thought about it and reluctantly replied “I want nice air in and around my car.”(And I might have said “so please get that car out of my way”).  Seconds later, I didn’t see or smell any fumes coming out of the car. It felt great to just ask and turn it over to the angels, as they say.

Excited by the recent result I had received, I asked: “how can I make this happen all the time.” They loving replied “you don’t have to make anything happen. Just look for the lowest common denominator that you want from the situation and then ask for it.” This made sense to me and can be applied in any circumstance. For example, when arguing with my partner over something, I would get mad and ask the angels to help him see things my way, to help me win the argument! Yes, sometimes it would work, but now always. I asked how I can turn those situations over to the angels to get a similar result…here’s how the conversation went:

Me: “what about winning disputes with my partner, I just wish he would see things my way!”
Angels: “how would you feel if he saw things your way?”
Me: “That he saw that I was right and I won!”
Angels: “What would it mean if you were right and you won?”
Me: “That he understands my point of view and respects it?”
Angels: “ok, now that would that feel like?”
Me: “That he accepts me”
Angels: “anything else?”
Me: “that I accept me?”
Angels: “So the lowest common denominator here is acceptance…the next time you are in a quarrel, ask us to help with acceptance from your partner and self-acceptance…and allow us to help things unfold.”

I am so grateful to the angels for sharing this technique with me, and I ask that the angels remind me to utilize this technique every time it is going to help me.  You can ask for the angels to guide you in this way as well. It would be best to write this technique out as a conversation with the angels as I have above. Give it a try and see how it works!

For more info, or to contact Nina for a private Angel Therapy Session to connect to your angels, visit her website: 

Important Note: 

Nina's intention is to assist people who feel guided to work with her and to empower her clients to strengthen their own intuitive powers and abilities to connect to their angels and guides.

Nina Jasmine is NOT a medical doctor or medical practitioner of any kind. While angelic healing may be helpful to many people in various ways, it is NOT a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment!!! Nina does not want to pass herself off as a doctor of any kind and is NOT licensed by any medical board anywhere in the world.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How To Receive Messages From Your Angels & Guides

Everyone has at least one or more angels with them at all times. Often times, your angels and guides try to communicate with you regarding all types of matters, especially when you ask for their guidance.

Have you ever wondered how you receive messages from your angels & guides?  If you sense that you may be getting angelic guidance, ask that it be filtered through Archangel Michael’s light and that it be of the highest and purest vibrational frequency.  Angelic guidance is always loving and uplifting. Even when your angels really want you to do something, they will never tell you in a hurtful or condescending way. They will gently and lovingly guide you until you receive their messages. Angelic messages are loving and repetitive, so don’t be afraid that you will miss out on their guidance.

 Here are the four basic ways that we receive angelic messages, nicknamed the "4 claires" by Doreen Virtue:

1. Clairvoyance ~ Visual Guidance. You may see the angels or meaningful symbols in your mind’s eye, third eye, in reality or in a dream. Often times, visual messages from the angels come through in your mind’s eye as if you are visualizing or day dreaming something. The angels may appear in your mind’s eye, or they may send you images that are important and symbolic to you. For example, during one of my readings, a client indicated that she had recently applied to a graduate school program. The angels showed me a picture of a beautiful white fountain close to an ocean. In fact, it was the fountain at the school she had hoped to attend, and the school was located near the ocean!

2. Clairaudience ~ Hearing Messages. When you hear messages loud and clear in reality or in your mind as your voice or as the voice of another. I find that when I ask a question and sit quiet and listen, I receive an answer quickly from my angels and guides, and it often comes through as a voice in my head. It’s as if I have a conversation in my head with the angels. You’ll know that it’s true guidance from the angels when the voice is gentile (even if its firm) and gives you loving messages.

3. Claircognizance ~ Knowing; Profound Thoughts. You receive this type of guidance when you “just know” something without any logical reason. Usually it is a subtle thought or an idea and you can’t really say where it came from. For me, this ability has become stronger and stronger as with time and faith in myself and my angels. As an attorney, I often needed “evidence” for the things that people said. However, I often relied on things I knew “in my gut” for decision-making. After angel training, I realized that my talent for knowing what to do and when to do it was really my ability to receive messages from my angels!

4. Clairsentience ~ Feeling Guidance. You can feel the angels’ presence around us in many ways. You may feel a warm presence near you, a gentle touch stroking your shoulders, or even the angels wings embracing you over your shoulders. Authentic angelic experiences make you feel safe and comfortable. Often I feel the angels’ loving presence over my shoulder. Sometimes I even feel my grandmother who has passed away come to me and stroke my forehead.   If you ever ask for protection and safety, you may feel Archangel Michael place a shield of light around you.

Remember, your angels are here to guide and protect you, and they love it when you ask for their guidance. Be gentile on yourself and your angels and take your time learning how to receive your angels’ guidance. 

For more info, or to contact Nina for a private Angel Therapy Session to connect to your angels, visit her website:

Important Note: 

Nina's intention is to assist people who feel guided to work with her and to empower her clients to strengthen their own intuitive powers and abilities to connect to their angels and guides.

Nina Jasmine is NOT a medical doctor or medical practitioner of any kind. While angelic healing may be helpful to many people in various ways, it is NOT a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment!!! Nina does not want to pass herself off as a doctor of any kind and is NOT licensed by any medical board anywhere in the world.